Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz: A Holocaust Survivor's Story
Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz: A Holocaust Survivor’s Story The stories that survive are the ones that define history. No truer does this ring than with the countless stories of Holocaust survivors that have been told in the decades since World War II. These testimonies are important, as they signify the darkest time in modern human history, a grim reminder of what evils humanity is capable of. The tale told in Alan Gratz’s Young Adult novel Prisoner B-3087 is one of these stories. Prisoner B-3087 uses the Holocaust survival story of Jack Gruener in order to showcase the horrors of the Holocaust in such a way that the target demographic of the book—middle and high schoolers—will understand the terror surrounding this point in history. Called by his Polish name, Yanek, the novel follows Jack’s story from the time the war began when he was ten to his survival of the concentration camps at sixteen. The book chronicles the fall of his home in Kraków, Poland, Yanek’s separatio...