
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Walking Dead S11 E9: "No Other Way" Review

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 9: "No Other Way" Review [WARNING: Major spoilers for  The Walking Dead  seasons 1-10, spoilers for season 11.] The Walking Dead had been having a rough start to its final season. Part 1 of this 3-part monster of a send-off felt like a rather meandering 8-episode buildup toward something bigger. Whether that "something bigger" was ever going to happen, however, was up in the air. The first part of this final season didn't really feel final, and instead just felt like standard episodes of the show, albeit with a little more filler than I was here for. But, with the release of its newest episode on Sunday, it feels like The Walking Dead is finally getting its footing back and knows exactly where it wants to take the show in its final 16 episodes. This comeback isn't without its goofier moments, but its an appreciative start to what finally feels like the end of the show. If anything, looking back, it feels like the extra Seas