The Walking Dead S11 E11: "Rogue Element" Review
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 11: "Rogue Element" Review [WARNING: Major spoilers for The Walking Dead seasons 1-10, spoilers for season 11.] Two steps forward, two steps back. While the first two episodes of Part 2 of The Walking Dead 's final season indicated an interesting turnabout for the rest of the show, Episode 11, "Rogue Element," ends up feeling a little goofier and more oddly conspiratorial than its predecessors. The conspiracy regarding rogue soldiers in the Commonwealth's army has, it seems, been replaced by an inner conspiracy within higher circles involved with the Commonwealth. The extent of that conspiracy remains unknown for most of the episode, and while this turns out to be an interesting concept, the practice therein doesn't entirely mesh with everything that has come before. The episode starts off with Eugene and Stephanie--the Commonwealth girl he was speaking to over the radio throughout Season 10--initializing a better rel...