Avatar: The Way of Water - Spectacle's Rubicon
[Warning: The following post will contain light spoilers for Avatar, Avatar: The Way of Water, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Major spoilers for Roman history.] One day in early January 49 BC--prior to becoming Rome's dictator--Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon. The shallow river is nestled into the northeastern side of Italy, jutting into the country by way of the Adriatic Sea. In the time of the Roman Republic, the Rubicon was a border marker of sorts. It separated the Roman providence of Cisalpine Gaul from the rest of Italy. Crossing the Rubicon river itself was no big deal, but for a Roman general to cross into Italy proper accompanied by a standing army was considered treasonous. This was due to an ancient Roman law that only allowed elected magistrates in Roman provinces to hold imperium in the country. Imperium being the right of a citizen--in this case magistrates--to control a military entity--in this case a standing army. A magistrate from a province who enter...